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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

G.O. Ms. No. 452 dated 4-7-95


G.O. Ms. No. 452 dated 4-7-95

Read :

G.O. Ms. No. 327, Health, Dated 22-5-95


In the Government order read above, Joint Directors, Deans and Heads of Medical Institutions have been delegated with powers to sanction special grade/selection grade to Assistant Surgeons, including Assistant Surgeon (Dental)

2. The Government have examined the desirability of extending similar powers to the Joint Directors in respect of other staff working under their control. They consider that such delegation of powers to district level Officers would improve the administrative efficiency.

3. The Government accordingly direct that Joint Director of Health, Services in the Districts be delegated with the following powers, in respect of staff working under their control.

1. Sanction of increments, Selection grade and Special grade to all the staff working in the districts.

2. Transfer of staff such as pharmacists, ministerial staff upto the office superintendents including hospital workers and nurses within the districts.

4. However transfers of staff outside the district would continue to be exercised by the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services.


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