DMS Campus , 3rd Floor ,Tenampet,
CHENNAI – 600 006.
Respected Sir
I humbly request you to give me the answers for the following set of questions regarding the service Seniority fixation for TN Govt doctors under RTI act. I am here with attaching Rs.10/-court stamp towards the fees.
1. Who is the person / authority for fixing/Maintaining the service seniority for TN Govt
doctors at present?
2. Is the Rule 4(e) of TN State & Subordinate service Rules – Part II Page 24(enclosed)
applicable while fixing the Service Seniority – CML for TN Govt doctors working in
Tamilnadu Medical Service?
3. If not applicable give the reasons (Because the Rule4e is common to all Govt servants)
4. If applicable was it followed in the recent CML 2010 tent list which was published by
DMRHS on 20.05.2010
5. If followed give the details & from which year was it followed?
6. If not followed give the reason.
7. Is there any representation received from individual doctor/ Association during the past
6 months regarding Rule 4e implementation in CML list?
8. What are the steps taken towards these representations?.
9. Is it possible to assign a service seniority-CML for a doctor who have not joined service
till now (after getting appointment order by TNPSC selection)?
10. Is it possible to assign two seniority (CML) number for one doctor in the same
seniority- CML list?
11. Assign the order of Service seniority for the following doctors(A-E) in the given
Scenario & explain the method.
Dr.A: Appointed by 10A1 (through employment exchange) & joined service on
01.07.1997.He was cleared Special TNPSC exam during 1999 with TNPSC
Seniority of 50/1999.
Dr.B: Selected by 1998 TNPSC Exam with TNPSC Seniority of 100/1998.He got
initial appointment order on 01.12.1998 & went for higher study without joining
service after getting extension time from appointing authority. He joined service
on 07.12.2001
Dr.C: Selected by 1998 TNPSC Exam with TNPSC seniority of 150/1998.He got
initial appointment order on 02.12.1998 & joined service on 15.12.1998.
Dr.D: Selected by 2000 TNPSC exam with TNPSC seniority of 125/2000.He got initial
appt order on 01.11.2000 & went for higher study after getting extension time.
He has not joined service till now.
Dr.E: Selected by 2001 TNPSC Exam. He got initial appointment order on
01.07.2001 & joined on 10.07.2001.
12. Whom shall I approach if I am not satisfied with the answers given for the above
* I have not asked any information that was excluded in RTI act.
* I am willing to pay the fees towards the copping of the relevant records if needed.
* I have enclosed the copy of my BAR COUNCIL ID card.
I am eagerly waiting for your timely reply.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Place: XXXX