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Monday, July 20, 2009

Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Management

A non-profit organisation established in 1983 creating large scale sustainable livelihoods

Capacity Building Series (2009-10)

Experiential field based training


Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Management
06-08 August 2009
TARAgram, Appropriate Technology Centre, Orchha, Madhya Pradesh
Water, the elixir of life! Alas, today this phrase remains a misnomer. The entire ecosystem existence is based on water .It runs like blood in our body, but nowadays this blood is impure and short in supply. This is due to the fact of contamination of water with pollutants and consistent negligence on the part of governments to look after water supply with increase in population. People in several parts of India face an immense challenge to meet the basic needs of water. The crisis is not due to the lack of fresh water as such, but the availability of adequate quality water at the right place and time to meet basic needs.
Every year more than five million human beings die from illness linked to unsafe drinking water and sanitation. Improved access to safe water supply and appropriate sanitation can also improve the economic status, mainly through saving large amounts of people’s time and energy. It is a matter of concern that despite the progress made with water supply, the level of water-related sickness continues to be high. 70-80 % of illnesses are related to water contamination and poor sanitation. Main diseases associated with sanitation-diarrhea, ascariasis, dracunculiasis, hookworm, schistosomiasis, trachoma, typhoid, paratyphoid, bacillary dysentery, cholera, poliomyelitis, etc are on an increase. These diseases consume a lot of time and money for medical attention and medicines. In India, the economic burden due to morbidity and mortality from these diseases is staggering. The resources saved by improved water supply and sanitation can be used in many economically productive or educational activities.
During the last few decades the national policies have shown increasing emphasis on both rural and urban water supply and sanitation. In terms of physical progress, the achievements have been remarkable. In rural context, however unfortunately these efforts have not been seen to be converted into health benefits and water borne diseases continue to be the dominant cause of morbidity and mortality in many pars of the country. The reasons are fairly very obvious, though water is being supplied; its potability is not being ensured. The lack of Water Quality Surveillance in these areas is acutely brought into focus during the episodes of waterborne epidemics.
In realm of this domain to overcome these challenges, the need of the hour is monitoring of water quality, surveillance and management. By putting these things into practice the dream of supplying pure drinking water to each individual could be achieved.

Objectives of the Training:

  • To help organizations understand the importance of Water Quality Monitoring in Water Quality Management.
  • To impart Technical Skills on various practical aspects of water quality monitoring and management.
  • To Promote Surveillance of Drinking Water.


The following techniques would be used to conduct the training program.
  • Lectures/interactive sessions
  • Visits to sites
  • Case studies/Group exercises
  • Brainstorming sessions/ Experience sharing
  • Training Support materials/ Handouts
  • Power-point Presentations
  • Guest lectures
Course Contents
1.    Introduction to water quality
To make the participants understand the importance of "water quality" and various aspects related to it like:

  • How does water get contaminated?
  • Sources of water contamination
  • Water quality and human health
  • Sources of water
  • Why monitor water quality?
  • Techniques of water quality monitoring
  • Water quality Analysis
  • Use of portable water testing kits
  • Demonstration and hands on experience on one such kit
2.    Field visit to Betwa River for on site water quality analysis by using Field based water quality testing kits
This session is especially designed for the participants to provide details on the use of field based water testing kits and its importance in water quality monitoring at the field level or in remote areas where sophisticated laboratory facilities are not available. This section will also provide information on the participatory approach in water quality monitoring-community based water quality monitoring. Participants themselves will be performing water quality analysis in the field by using these low cost field testing kits. This would give them a first hand experience on water quality analysis.
  • Hands on training on sampling and analysis
  • Data collection and management
  • Interpretation of the water samples analysed
3. Water quality Management
This session will deal with different aspects of water quality management in general. As this is an integral part of water quality monitoring, it would give different management options and solutions to various contaminants whether it is biological, physical or chemical contaminants. This section will also deal with some of the successful case studies and cover the following aspects
  • Need and importance of water quality management
  • Different techniques of managing drinking water
  • How water reaches your homes and offices?
  • How is water purified by the civic authorities
  •             Traditional methods of water purification
  •             Different methods of filtration and chlorination
  •             Simple household and community level water purification techniques
4. Visit to a water treatment plant- BABINA
In order to make the participants understand the overall water treatment procedures adopted in a typical water supply system, a small exposure visit will be organized.

Course Eligibility

This programme is designed for Development Professionals from NGOs, academic institutions, CSR Professionals, officers from Central and State governments, and international development organizations who are working on water quality monitoring and management aspects and related projects and are keen to upgrade their knowledge.
3 Days
The training will be for a period of 3 days which will essentially consist of:
  1. Class room sessions
  2. A guided tour to the development models within TARAgram campus.
  3. An evening out to visit the Orchha temples and fort.
TARAgram Campus - an overview

INR 9,500/- per participant for Indian Participants
INR 12,000/- (240 USD) for Overseas Participants
The Training fee covers the following:
  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Course material
  • Leisure trip to the famous Orchha Temples and Fort 
Indian participants to make payment through Demand Draft drawn in favour of TARA Livelihood Academy payable at Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh The address for sending the Demand Draft   is-
TARA Livelihood Academy
Development Alternatives
TARAgram, Orchha Tigela,
Dist.-Tikamgarh (MP),
Ph.-+91 510 2911368
Please send the Demand draft by registered post or speed post only.
Overseas participants may please send the fees through wire transfer. The details of the wire transfer will be sent to each selected trainee once we get their nominationform.
  • Knowledge and experience from the training
  • Field Exposure and further learning
  • Manuals and training material
  • Networking opportunity for you
  • And a visit to Orchha Temples and fort - a glimpse
  1. Hindustan Zinc Limited
  2. Childline India Foundation
  3. World Vision India
  4. IDRC
  5. Rio-Tinto
  6. Accenture Service Pvt. Ltd.
  7. Aga Khan Rural Support Program
  8. Governance and Public Administration Reform Programme, Sekong Province, Lao PDR
  9. International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (ICDDR), Bangladesh
  10. Practical Action, Colombo
  11. International Crops Research Organization for Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Nairobi
  12. Malteser International, Sri Lanka
To ensure your participation, we request you to send the nomination form and the course fee by 03rd August’09.
The training will be held in TARAgram, Appropriate Technology Centre, Orchha, Madhya Pradesh. TARAgram is a campus set in the rural environment of Orchha. It is a centre which showcases the Livelihood models developed by DA in the field of appropriate technology, and environment.
Participants to the training will be provided a guided tour of the campus which will enrich the learnings from the class room sessions.
Participants coming by train should take a ticket till Jhansi (UP) Railway station. From there, TARAgram is 9 kms away. There will be a pick up facility based on the information provided on the arrival time.
Route map - how to get to TARAgram from Jhansi Railway Station
The participants can arrive one day before the training date and leave on last day of the training by a train which leaves around 5.45 pm onwards.
Travel Booking Tips for International participants
  • While making your travel plans, please note that if you are arriving in Delhi by flight, in order to reach the Training venue, you will need to take a Train from Delhi to Jhansi which is around 400 kms and takes 5-6 hours.
  • Therefore please arrive in Delhi one day in advance from the day the training starts. (i.e. if the Training date is 06th August’09 then your flight should arrive in Delhi latest by 05th August’09 morning)
  • Similarly, please book your return flight from New Delhi a day after the training ends. (i.e. if the Training finishes on 8th August’09 then your air tickets from New Delhi should be 09th August’09  morning)
  • Please book your train tickets from Delhi to Jhansi and back to Delhi before hand. We can also support you in booking the Train tickets which can be reimbursed by you once you arrive here.
  • DA reserves the right to withhold the fee for administrative and other costs for cancellations prior to the start of a course. A suitably qualified replacement may attend the course in place of the registered person. DA also reserves the right to cancel a course if too few participants have registered.
  • Interested participants who are unable attend this Training on the given dates due to prior engagements can let us know of their interest. We will keep you informed when the same training is conducted again.
If you have any queries or suggestions for the training or nominations, please contact the following:
Madhuban Pandey, Executive Training
Juhi Nigam, Training Assistant
Jhansi (UP)
Tele. No: - + 91 510 2911 368, +91 972 1754 958, +91 983 9820 689,

Bhavana Gadre
Manager Training
New Delhi
Tele. No: 011-26132718


1. Programme
a. Title:……………………………………………………………………………………………..
b.Dates-From:………………………………………………………………………............... c. Venue:…………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Participant
  1. Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Age:……………………………………………….Sex:………………………………………
  3. Occupation: Employed / Self -Employed / Entrepreneur

3. Employed:
  1. Designation:…………………………………………………………………………………..
  2. Area of responsibility: ……………………………………………………………………….
  3. Name and designation of the executive /functionary to whom you report
4. Self -Employed/ Entrepreneur
a. Nature of Self -Employment/ Entrepreneurship: ………………………………….............
b. Experience (Years/Months):………………………………………………………………….

5. Qualification
6. Experience in the area of the above training programme
7. Previous participation in training programme organised by DA
Title Dates
…………………… ……………………
…………………… ……………………
…………………… ……………………
…………………… ……………………
8. What are your expectations from the pprogramme:

Date:…………………… Signature:……………………


** Nominating Authority:
  1. Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Designation:……………………………………………………………………………………….
  3. Name and Address of the organization:…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Phone: ……………………………….Mobile…………………………………………………….
We enclose Demand Draft No. …………………………………Dated…………...............................
of Rs. ………………………………(In words…………………………………………………)
as registration fee, in favour of TARA Livelihood Academy, payable at Jhansi

We would ensure fullest utilization for the enhanced capacity (through the above training) of our nominated staff and agree to fully cooperate with training organizers in monitoring its effective utilization.

Date:…………………. Signature and seal of the nominating authority



** Not applicable for self-employed/entrepreneurs.
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