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Monday, January 7, 2008

IPS 2008 Annual Conference

Dear Colleague,

Greetings from Department of Pharmacology, AIIMS, New Delhi.

You will be happy to know that the 41st Annual Conference of the Indian Pharmacological Society is being organized by the Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences at AIIMS, New Delhi, from 18 th – 20th December, 2008. There will be two preconference workshops on 16th & 17th December, 2008. We will be sending the details shortly. We request you to kindly block these dates.

You will agree that these days the most effective way of communication is through email/website. However, we do not have the email database of members of Indian Pharmacological Society and other Pharmacologists in India and abroad. We request you to kindly provide us with your email and address details in the format attached.

Finally, it will be kind and nice of you if this mail is forwarded to as many colleagues / friends of yours in this field.

Please mark copy of your reply to

Best wishes and regards.

(Prof. Y K Gupta)
Professor & Head
and Organizing Secretary,41st IPS 2008
Department of Pharmacology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi-110029

IPS 2008 – AIIMS

Email / Address Update (Format)

Name: ____________________________________________

IPS Member (Y/N) Membership No.: __________________

Designation: ____________________________________________

Affiliation &: ____________________________________________


Pin: _____________________

Phone: (Off) _________________________________

(M) _____________________

(Res) _________________________________

Email ________________________________________

Please submit this information at

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