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Saturday, February 14, 2004

HLA Class 3


209. The HLA class 3 rejection genes are important elements in

1. Transplant rejection phenomenon.

2. Governing susceptibility of autoimmune diseases.

3. Immune surveillance.

4. Antigen presentaion and elimination.


2. Governing susceptibility of autoimmune diseases.


Harrison's15th Edition,Pg-1832 Chapter 306 Chapter 308 Table 308-3

Ananthanarayanan 5th Edition Page 118

Ananthanarayanan 6th Edition Page 120,121

Nelson Table 117 -1








Harrison and Nelson says that the Diseases Common Variable Immunodeficiency and IgA deficiency are mostly due to defects in MHC III. A polymorphism in the promoter of the TNF-a (TNF-alpha) gene in the HLA class III region, which is associated with quantitative variation in the production of TNF, has recently been shown to have an association with the manifestations of a number of infectious diseases, including cerebral malaria, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, lepromatous leprosy, scarring trachoma, persistent hepatitis B infection, and fatal meningicoccal meningitis

And we can see that derangement in the metabolism of Complement C2 and C4 leads to SLE and other diseases


1. Transplant rejection phenomenon involves MHC I and MHC II.

2. Autoimmune diseases like SLE are due to derangement in C2 and C4.

3. Immune surveillance is by MHC I and MHC II.

4. Antigen presentaion and elimination is by MHC II.


Theme Couple from HLA III


Theme couples from Immunology are the best and worst that can happen in a competitive exam. Best for those who know the answer and worst for those who don’t know it. Because Immunology is a “decider” cause there will be a few who will have a strong grasp of the subject and they will surge forward

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