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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

PG Increment

In The High Court of Judicature at Madras.

(Special Orginal)

Advance Increments for P.G.

Date: 18-12-1987


The Honore able Mr. Justice Nainar Sundram.


W.M.P.No. 18926 of 1987


W.M.No. 12866 of 1987


The State of Tamil Nadu Assistant Surgeon's Association, rep. by its secretary, Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai - 2.

vs. Petitioners.

1. The State of Tamil Nadu rep. by Commissioner & Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, Fort St. George, Madras-9.

2. The Director of Medical Services & Family Welfare, D.M.S. Compound, Madras-6.

Respondents, and others.

For Petitioners : Mr. A.L. Somayaji

Petition praying that the High Court will be pleased to

Stay the operation of the impugned G.O. Ms. No. 2240, Health dated 25-11-1986 passed by the first respondent, pending disposal of the writ petition.

Petition on being called today and upon hearing counsel, the court has ordered as follows:

There will be an order of intern stay, reserving liberty for the respondents to most for vacating the same, of they so choose. Otherwise, post this petition along with the main writ edition. Notice.

And this court doth further order that this order, on being produced, be punctually observed and carried in to execution by all concerned. Issued under my hand and the seal of this court on 18-12-1987.

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